Anime WarZ RPG

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    The Combat System


    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2023-03-07

    The Combat System  Empty The Combat System

    Post by Admin Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:46 pm


    Make a compilation of your stats, which will raise and fall throughout the battle. The window to correct your mistakes is between your post and your opponent's subsequent post.
    Penalties for errors can include costing your character experience, rewards or worse... making them look foolish if they accidentally attacked the space in front of your enemy because you miscalculated your own range.


    In battle, a map serves as your guide, depicting either an empty canvass with only you and your opponent, or one riddled with obstacles demanding strategic navigation. Regardless of the terrain, it is crucial to maintain constant awareness of your position. Failure to do so can lead to penalties.

    At times, you may be afforded the chance to select your initial placement on the map, while in other instances, this choice may be predetermined.


    MOVEMENT -- For ONE speed, you can move ONE space. You cannot travel diagonally. Basic movement does not consume stamina.

    ATTACKING -- Offensive maneuvers that draw from your arsenal of techniques.
    Formula: Techniques cost 5-stamina, unless stated otherwise. Their casting speed is anywhere within your speed level range and the actual attack range is predetermined.

    DODGING -- Dodging is usually the safest method of evading damage, but has the steepest stamina costs.
    Formula: How much was used to cast a technique = how much speed is required to dodge a technique = how much stamina you consume, unless stated otherwise.

    COUNTERATTACKING -- You can attempt to overpower an incoming attack with one of your own, hopefully injuring them in the process.
    Formula: The technique must be as fast as the incoming attack. The weaker attack is then subtracted from the stronger attack, with the loser taking damage. Costs -1 focus.  

    -- FULL-POWERED ATTACK STRUGGLE: When facing an enemy's 'full-powered attack,' you can retaliate with your own, utilizing any available stat boosters (powerups, focus, etc.). These attacks clash, and in the subsequent turn, your adversary may seize the opportunity to deploy their own stat boosters, potentially shifting the advantage in their favor. This back-and-forth exchange can continue for several turns until one side exhausts their boosters, resulting in the final damage calculation (= stronger - weaker). If neither side emerges victorious within the designated round (10 turns), the attacks will detonate mid-air.

    It's crucial to consider the volatility of boosters, as some may only provide benefits for a single turn. Additionally, your attack's range is vital; you may overpower your foe, only to realize that your assault lacks the reach to inflict any damage. Moreover, there's the peril of being ensnared in the blast if it detonates at the round's end.

    BLOCKING -- You can use one of your (offensive) attacks to block an incoming attack, but even if it's stronger, it cannot do any actual damage to your opponent. Not to be confused with 'Defensive Techniques'.

    TARGETING VITALS -- Instead of doing damage to their genki, you can take time (1-Speed) to aim at a specific appendage, such as arms or legs, which can decrease enemy stats and limit enemy attacks.  
    Formula -- Every 10 damage to a limb reduces the stat by -1. The overall limb durability = 5 x Strength Level. Once that's depleted, the limb is broken (or concussed). A broken limb will reduce associated attacks by 50%, two broken limbs can cost your ability to perform any associated attacks.

    -- Arms: Strength. Broken arms can't punch or block or cast general ki attacks.
    -- Legs: Speed. Broken legs impact kicking techniques.    
    -- Ribs: Stamina. Broken ribs impact tackling techniques.
    -- Head: Focus AND Ki control. A concussion destroys all focus.

    So you have your map, starting locations, understand your stats, techniques and battle mechanics. What's next?


    TURN ORDER -- Determined through 'random number selection', unless stated otherwise.  

    TURN #1 -- Whomever is selected (Fighter #1) has the advantage of 'CONTROLLING THE OFFENSE', in which they can choose whether to be aggressive with attacks, maneuver into a more tactical position on the map, power up, enter a stance or passively see how their opponent will attack.

    Keep in mind, just because you're in a position to 'Control the Offense', it doesn't mean that your opponent can't put you on the defensive with power-ups, breaking legs, etc.

    TURN #2 -- Whomever gets the 2nd turn (Fighter #2) is usually going to be on the defensive. They must respond to any attack thrown at them (dodging, blocking, taking it, etc.) before doing anything else.

    TURN #10 -- The end of the first round. Both parties pay the -1 stamina toll; pay the fatigue toll if they went beyond their stamina capacity. This is the game equivalent of both fighters catching their breath.

    TURN #11-- Round 2 begins. Now Fighter #2 gets the opportunity to 'Control the Offensive', which means they technically get two turns in a row. However, any offensive attacks Fighter #2 mounted in Turn #10 carries over to Turn #11 in stamina costs. Dodging or defending in Turn #10 does not carry over.
    -- Example: If Fighter #2 dodged (consumes 7 speed), moved forward a space (1 speed), attacked (2 speed) at the end of Turn #10 and during Turn #11, he casts a technique that costs 12 speed. He or she would have to pay for both attacks during Turn #11 (5+5 = 10 stamina). They don't have to pay for the dodging though. The enemy would have to contend with both attacks separately.  

    This can go on until one party surrenders, retreats or is knocked out.   10 Turns is considered 1 round.


    Fights involving more than two parties follow the same rules as above, with the following exceptions.

    TURN ORDER -- The first turn is still chosen through 'random number selection', but the second turn would go to whomever the first attacks. If no one is attacked, another 'random number selection' occurs. Whom that person attacks will choose the next person and if no one is attacked again, it's 'random number selection' and so on.

    ROUNDS -- A round ends during these brawls after everyone has had 5 turns.

    CONTROLLING THE OFFENSIVE -- Because of the chaotic nature of these kinds of fights, there aren't 'turn flips' at the end of a round. But parties still pay the -1 stamina toll and fatigue penalties at the end of the round.


    There is no right or wrong way to roleplay, so feel free to maintain a stylish prose detailing your characters' thoughts or including gestures such as wiping the sweat from your brow. Or you can keep things simple and minimalist, but above all else, you MUST KEEP THINGS CLEAR AND CONCISE. There needs to be no question how your stats are being distributed, what your character is doing and how they're doing it, etc.

    This does NOT mean you have to post your stats. You don't need to publicly reveal your speed level, for example, but you must include how much of it you're using in that turn. Also include how much stamina you're burning through.

    You do NOT need to include your damage during offensive attacks until after your opponent has either countered, blocked or taken the hit.
    You DO need to include your damage if you're countering or blocking.

    -- EXAMPLE: Player moves from location 3x3 to 3x7 (4-speed) and casts Duper Punch (6-speed). This example means they at least have utilized a speed level of 10.

    You also need to give details of your techniques, utilized racials or abilities at the bottom of your post. Include how fast the technique is (Casting V Dodging cost), level, range and any effects.

    Duper Punch -- A highly flamboyant uppercut that disrupts the enemies' ki control (Daze: -2 to Ki Control) and knocks them back at one space.
    Level: 3
    Range: 1-space
    Casting: 6


    Duper Punch -- Punching attack. Dazes enemy ki control by -2 and knocks them back one space. Level 3, range is 1-space, speed is 6.

    NOTE FOR GM -- Revealing damage? Automatic or bonus skill?


    Following your battle, you might stand triumphant over your opponent or you might be sleeping at his feet. But odds are, you're going to need to recover from your injuries.

    HEALING - The following are concurrent.
    20% of your base genki level heals per day.
    20% of your limb health heals per day, unless broken.
    Broken limbs require 1 week of recovery, BEFORE healing can begin.
    Stat loss from fatigue recovers in a single day.
    Poison and Bloodloss can prevent recovery, possibly even be fatal if the amount outweighs your natural recovery.

    NEGATIVE HEALTH -- Even though 0 represents being knocked out, an attack can put you even further below that, which can increase the time needed to recover. In some cases, you can be unconscious for days.
    -- Example: You have 14/40 health. The enemy does 20 damage, knocking you out. You're at -6/40, requiring a recovery of 46 worth of genki to be at full health.  

    DEATH -- Killing your opponent usually requires intent, but sometimes they're incidental or accidental. If an attack takes them beyond 50% of their overall genki after 0, they're dead.
    Example: If your max genki is 40, you will die if you take 60 damage (or 20 after 0).

      Current date/time is Thu May 16, 2024 7:23 am