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    Introduction to Techniques


    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2023-03-07

    Introduction to Techniques  Empty Introduction to Techniques

    Post by Admin Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:59 am

    STEP 1 -- What kind of technique are you designing?

    Hand-to-Hand Attacks

    Determine how you're hitting them. Punches use your arms, kicking uses your legs, but you can also build techniques around your head, full body (tackle), knees, elbows and custom appendages. If a limb is broken, you lose access to those techniques until said limb is repaired or replaced.

    Damage -- Your 'Strength' level.
    Cost -- All techniques costs 5 stamina.

    Range -- Can reach up to '1' space. Cannot attack diagonally. The reach of a hand-to-hand technique is limited compared to energy attacks, but they are the only fighting class able to attack opponents sharing the same space as them. 'Effects' can also increase their reach.

    Weapon Attacks

    You choose a weapon. Each one has a built-in effect, with its own durability level. If your weapon breaks, you lose access to the techniques you built around it until said weapon is repaired or replaced. For more information on weapons, click HERE.

    Damage -- Your 'Strength level' + Weapon power (if applicable)
    Cost -- All techniques cost 5 stamina. Weapons fill out item slots, but some might have their own additional costs.

    Range -- The default range is 1 space. They can attack diagonally. Cannot attack or block incoming attacks from anyone sharing the same space, unless stated otherwise. 'Effects' can increase (or decrease) their range. It should be noted that different weapons have different reaches.

    Energy Attacks

    These are usually projectiles formed from your ki. Usually requires the usage of your arms, so if they're disabled you will be unable to cast them, although you can learn to fire ki attacks from other parts of your body (eyes, mouth, feet... even nostrils) to negate this.

    Damage -- Your 'Ki Control' level
    Cost -- All techniques cost 5 stamina.

    Range -- Can reach between 1 and 5 spaces. Cannot attack diagonally. Cannot attack or block incoming attacks from anyone sharing the same space, although 'effects' can close that gap or increase the range even further.

    Full-Powered Attacks

    The most powerful attacks in your arsenal, as instead of manipulating your ki, a 'Full-Powered Attack' forces it out all at once. Requires your entire speed level to cast and its puts such a strain on your body that each one can only be used once per round.
    Damage -- Your (current) power level.
    Cost -- All your stats will deplete by -1.

    Range -- 5 spaces. No more. No less... unless 'effects' are utilized.

    Specialty Techniques

    Types of specialized techniques that may or may not fit your arsenal, often utilizing their own rules. Specialty techniques can be stacked on top of each-other as long as it's not the same kind (ie, you can't cast two barriers at once).

    Fighting Stances -- A stance is how you position your body for optimal combat performance, usually increasing an attribute. For more information on attributes, clickHERE. 1-AP is required to activate. Stances cannot be stacked upon each-other.  
    -- Example: So instead of increasing speed, you can increase your offensive speed or dodging speed, etc. by +1.

    Unlike other kinds of techniques, upgrades don't reflect the mastery of a stance. Upgrades advance them, making them more powerful, but also more difficult to maintain. The user has the option as to which 'level' to begin in, although 1-AP is required to change levels.

    -- Cost: The default is it restricts 1-stamina every turn the stance is active, but other costs can be chosen upon creation.

    Battle Auras -- An aura is generated when you increase the amount of ki in your body, but the aura itself can be manipulated and weaponized to harm enemies within its vicinity. If someone is on a space that is immediately adjacent to the user, they will automatically suffer the chosen 'effect' for the technique. 1-AP is required to activate. The enemy has the option to evade this by leaving the afflicted area at the start of their turn.
    -- Example: An aura can cause '1' damage any time an enemy steps into any space immediately adjacent to the user. Includes shared spaces. Some 'effects' from the list below will be scaled down for balancing purposes.

    Much like stances, upgrades don't reflect the mastery of an aura. Upgrades advance them, making them more powerful, but also more difficult to maintain. You can either increase the effect power or expand the range of the aura. The user has the option as to which 'level' to begin in, although 1-AP is required to change levels.

    Cost -- The default is it restricts 1-ki every turn the stance is active, but other costs can be chosen upon creation. Upgrades increase the cost.

    Energy Barriers -- A 'Ki Control' exclusive technique, where the user creates a protective barrier that surrounds them, protecting them against all incoming attacks. A barrier's defensive power is 'AP + Ki Control' and it regenerates between turns (NOT between attacks). Unlike the 'Brace' bonus skill, a barrier will reduce enemy damage even if overpowered, although a broken barrier cannot be used for the remainder of the battle.
    -- Example: If you have 12 ki control and use 10AP, your barriers defensive capabilities is '22'.

    Barriers are notoriously difficult to maintain. You can't attack through your own barrier. 1-AP is required to deactivate. Furthermore, if the enemy shares your space, you're trapped in the barrier with them... or they're trapped in it with you.

    Cost -- 5-stamina to cast, but every subsequent turn they remain active will deplete their ki control level by '-1' until it runs out of gas (0).

    STEP 2 -- What do your techniques do?

    Each technique gets ONE "effect" to start, which can range from causing bloodloss to having a reduced stamina cost. You can create a custom one or see an 'example' list in the post below this one.

    Example -- Duper Punch is an attack that knocks the enemy back 1 space, as that is its 'effect'.

    Sometimes effects are described as 'Pre-Impact' or 'Post-Impact'. Pre-Impact effects are built around trying to hit the enemy, Post-Impact effects are built around what happens after you hit them. These are informal titles.

    Example -- A pre-impact effect might be harder to dodge or might destroy the space the enemy is in, forcing them to move. A post-impact effect would be more akin to knocking them back, doing bloodloss, etc.

    STEP 3 -- How fast are your techniques?

    The speed of your technique (AKA: AP used) = how much AP is required for the target to dodge or counter. You can cast it at any speed, as long as it's within the parameters of your speed level. The exceptions are 'Full-Powered Attacks', which can only be cast utilizing all of your AP at once.

    Example -- With a speed level of 12, the user can employ the 'Duper Punch' technique at varying speed levels ranging from 1 to 12. However, when executing a Full-Powered Attack, the user must utilize all of their AP.

    STEP 4 -- How to finalize your techniques?

    There is a format for your technique descriptions. You need to include the name, what it does (effects) and level. You don't need to organize the information exactly how I do it in the following example, but you need to be precise and clear. During battle, casting time and/or how much to dodge/counter is required.

    Example -- Duper Punch: User throws a punch that can knock the enemy back 1 space upon impact.
    Casting: 8AP
    Level: 1


    Upgrades allow you to increase the power of your 'effect', or add additional 'effects'. Each Technique begins at level 1 and can go up to Level 5.  


    It can take 5-20 days to learn a custom technique. At the fifth day, you will roll a number between 1-4 to see if you were successful. If not, you will roll 1-3 on the tenth day and so on.

    Upgrades can take 5-10 days, as on the fifth day you will roll a number between 1-2.

    Learning techniques from a Master is comparatively faster, as you can either start rolling after 4 days or you'll have a reduced roll (1-3), depending on their methods. Some even come with a bundle package, where you can learn multiple techniques in 30 days.


    Determine what kind of technique (weapon, defensive, energy, etc.) and an effect.

    All techniques cost 5 stamina.

    When posting, make sure the technique description is easy to understand.

    Custom Techniques can take between 5-20 days to learn and Upgrades 5-10 days, although learning techniques from a Master is faster.

    Last edited by Admin on Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:34 pm; edited 43 times in total

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    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2023-03-07

    Introduction to Techniques  Empty Re: Introduction to Techniques

    Post by Admin Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:44 am

    This list is mostly comprised of examples, but you can create your own. You can also add unique costs to sometimes increase their power.

    Mastered Effects -- If a 'level 5' technique specializes in only '1 effect', it has been mastered and can be more powerful for it. Not every effect will have a mastery bonus.


    Daze -- Can temporarily reduce '1' stat by '-1', for '1' turn. You cannot go beyond 50% of their stat, however.  

    Bloodloss -- If the technique lands,  '-1' genki (HP)' is drained from the enemy every turn, until the wound is bandaged, or the victim passes out. A mastered bloodloss can't be bandaged IN-battle and can potentially be fatal. The Maximum bloodloss someone can suffer is 10% of their maximum HP per turn.

    Burn -- If successful, the enemy's defense is reduced by -1 for the duration of the battle. Only a mastered version works on armor or barriers though.

    Shield -- '+5' defense is added to your attack, protecting you IF you're overpowered. Upgrades add +1.

    Damage --'+5' damage is added to your attack IF you overcome an enemy's technique (offensive or defensive). Upgrades add +1.

    Scaling Damage -- 50% of your AP used is added to your attack IF you overcome an enemy's technique. Upgrades add +10%.

    Power -- +5 is added to your attack power, whether offensive or defensive. Not to be confused with damage, as it doesn't inflict any additional injury to your enemy (power boost is reduced from final damage, but ONLY if your attack was successful. Furthermore, if overpowered, the power boost is nullified.

    Scaling Power -- 50% of your AP used is added to your attack power, but it's not designed to inflict additional injury (power boost is reduced from final damage). If overpowered, the boost is nullified. Upgrades add +10%.

    Knock Back -- Can propel an enemy backwards by '+1' space. A mastered version would have them flying backwards until they hit an obstacle. Enemies can resist this with focus.
    -- Collision Damage: When an enemy hits something, how many spaces they were knocked back = amount of damage.

    Magnetize -- A successful hit can force an enemy towards the caster by '+1' space. A mastered version would pull them as close as the user wants, regardless of the distance.  

    Pierce -- If an armor, barrier or natural defenses absorbs your damage, a piercing effect guarantees that '5' damage automatically goes through. Upgrades add +1. A mastered version completely bypasses armor.
    -- Example: If your attack does 12 damage, but the armor has 25 durability. The armor takes 7 dmg, but their genki takes 5. A mastered version would ignore the armor and do 12 damage to their genki.  

    Crushing -- If an armor, barrier or natural defenses absorbs your damage, a crushing effect does an additional +5 damage to said barriers (but not genki). Upgrades add +1. A mastered version does double against the armor.
    -- Example: If your attack does 12, but the armor has 25 durability. The armor takes 15 damage. A mastered version would do 24 damage to the armor. None of the crushing buffs would impact genki.

    Reserved -- Saves '0.5' on stamina cost. The costs link together when used multiple times in a single turn, but otherwise would be rounded up. Upgrades add +0.5. A mastered version saves 3.
    -- Example: If used four times in a turn, the total stamina cost would be 4.5 x 4 = 18. But using only once would cost 4 stamina, as opposed to 5.

    Reach -- '+1' added to attack range. A mastered version can EITHER attack diagonally, within a 10-space range. Or attack anywhere on the map, albeit with every space beyond 10 costing -1 damage.

    Closing the Gap -- Can attack enemies sharing the same space. This is for types of attacks that do not inherently allow this. This specific effect cannot be upgraded.

    Impaired -- Makes it harder to move spaces. Requires 2-speed to move 1 space, for '1' turn and preventing any kind of rapid movement. Upgrades can either restrict the speed even further or increase the amount of turns.

    AoE -- Attacks multiple spaces at once, consuming all of the adjacent spaces. Only does 50% damage. Upgrades can either increase damage or expand the range. Be careful you do not harm yourself though.

    Tracking-- Your attack has homing capabilities, following the enemy for '1' turn, but only at 50% damage and after the initial casting, it's speed is only '1'. This CAN harm you. Upgrades can either expand the turns, increase its homing speed or increase the damage.

    Destroyer -- Consumes the space that your enemy is standing upon, forcing them to move to avoid damage, although a successful block or counter can prevent this.

    Appendamage -- Normal general damage, but an additional +5 is sent to one of your enemy's limbs (your choice). Not to be confused with actually attacking their limbs. Upgrades add +1.

    Momentum -- '+2' damage for every space travelled between you and your enemy. Upgrades add +0.5.

    Surge -- When attacking, you automatically close the distance to your enemy by '-1' space.

    Retreat -- When attacking, you automatically increase the distance from your enemy by '+1' space.

    Precision -- Your attack becomes harder to dodge by '+1AP'. Cannot go above 50% of your casting. The stamina cost remains unaffected.

    Ambidextrous -- You can use alternative limbs to cast to same technique, which can be helpful if one is damaged.

    POISON -- A chemical contamination of your own ki, which can be weaponized to cause harm to your enemies. There are different kinds of poisons, many which can resemble any of the effects above. The following are just ideas. Poisons can certainly be deadly, but in spite of their versatility, they can all be cured with the same antidotes.

    Drug -- A toxin that grows, doing '1' damage at the start of each round. But the next round, the poison damage doubles and so on.
    -- Note from GM: I emphasize that the damage occurs during the round changes, NOT every turn.

    Rapid -- A toxin that speeds up the victim's perception of time, shortening the current/following round where THEY ARE CONTROLLING THE OFFENSIVE, by 1 turn. Upgrades can either shorten the round even further or shorten multiple rounds, before leaving their bloodstream. This does not impact 'end of the round' stat drops, which still occur on turn 10.

    Slow -- A toxin that slows down the victim's perception of time, extending the current/following round where THEY ARE NOT CONTROLLING THE OFFENSIVE, by 1 turn. Upgrades can either extend the round even further or shorten multiple rounds, before leaving their bloodstream. This does not impact 'end of the round' stat drops, which still occur on turn 10.

    Failure -- A toxin designed to cause organ failure, starting with '1' poison. Every 10 will decrease an enemy stat of your choice by -1 for the duration of the battle. Upgrades can either make the poison more potent, or spread throughout other stats.  


    Barriers can adopt many of the effects found above, but the following are exclusive to barrier techniques.

    Expansion -- Can increase the field of the barrier, allowing it to protect allies within its vicinity or keep enemies from getting closer.

    Defer -- Delays the -1 ki control maintenance cost by 1 turn.  

    Phase -- The barrier allows the user to attack through their own barrier ONCE per turn. Upgrades allow them to attack multiple times within a single turn. A mastered version allows all of your techniques to pass through. The exceptions are full-powered techniques, which are not compatible with this effect.

    Eviction -- Can force enemies out of the barrier's range, which can be helpful if they're sharing your space.

    Abandon -- Can deactivate the barrier without paying the 1AP cost. Unlike other effects, this has no real upgrades.

    Replenishment -- Can replenish against multiple attacks during a single turn, starting with 1. However, if overpowered the user takes the full damage.
    -- Example: Someone fires 10 attacks at you. As long as it holds, the barrier will replenish before the 2nd attack. After that, it would be whittled down.

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