Anime WarZ RPG

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    Playing the Game (Training, Travelling)


    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2023-03-07

    Playing the Game (Training, Travelling)  Empty Playing the Game (Training, Travelling)

    Post by Admin Wed May 08, 2024 2:34 pm

    Once your character is fully created, they can either train, learn techniques, get into fights, go on adventures or participate in missions.

    For information about learning techniques, click HERE

    For information about the combat system, click HERE


    To learn about your power level and stats, click HERE

    Training is required to increase your power level. During this time, you cannot learn techniques or fight, although there are circumstances that allow it.

    Training Formula -- Your stat level = How many days it takes to raise said stat by +0.5. If your stat has a decimal, round it down.
    -- Example: If your strength is '8', it takes 8 days to increase it to 8.5. Then another 8 days to raise it to 9.

    Log all of your training in your private forum, which will be provided upon the completion of your character.


    A list of available planets and all of their locations within can be found in the "Locations" section. Not every location is publicly available, some need to be discovered or sought after.

    Travelling Formula -- Your speed level = spaces on the world map you can traverse in a day. Flying abilities can bypass most geographical obstacles. Spaceships are required to traverse the galaxy, although some abilities negate this rule.  

    Travelling while training will slow you down to 1 space on the world map per day.


    There are many ways of making money within the game.

    Jobs -- You can join an army or guild that often has a monthly stipend, although you're locked into your employer's schedule.

    Missions -- A specific job where you get paid upon completion.

    Quests -- Can be described as a long-form mission that can take weeks, even months to complete. These often don't have employers or financers, but there's usually some sort of treasure at the end of it.  

    Tournaments -- Every once in awhile, a tournament will be held, with the victor usually gaining a monetary reward.


    A saga is an in-game story arc, that can either be a single battle of epic proportions... or a grand adventure that takes you into uncharted worlds... or an overarching plot with intrigue and drama. Some are mandatory, some are optional. Some have a set schedule; some are triggered by the actions of players. Some have rewards, some do not.


    Death is not the end of your character, but is simply the next step in their adventure. Many potential avenues for your resurrection will be provided, as well as... unconventional training opportunities... Items on your person may or may not be looted upon your death though.

    LOOTING -- You can loot your fallen foe... or be looted if you fall. The victor can take anything on the loser's person. A house of some kind might be a worthy investment, as you can leave goods you have no immediate use for in storage. You do have to leave a record of what you're leaving behind in your private forum. Upon your death, any item left within your home will remain until your hopeful resurrection.

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